I support Israel because I was taught by my parents and grandparents how important Israel is as a homeland to the Jewish people. From centuries of persecution and most recently, the Holocaust, having a Jewish homeland is central to the future of our people. Having a land that allows Jews to practice religion and centuries-old ways of life is essential and Israel is that place.
Israel is important to me because we can see 5700+ years of history in its borders. More important to recent history, we can see the impact of declaring Statehood in 1948 and the attacks thrust upon it by neighboring people. With that sad situation continuing today, we must support Israel to allow it to survive and thrive for the Jewish people.
I support Israel because it is a beacon of good for the world: with economic and high-technology impacts, medical advances, and defense innovations, Israel creates positive impact on global society. It is a democratic nation, rare for its part of the world. It houses proud, strong, good people who continue to fulfill the work of Tikkun Olam.
I support Israel from what I learned from those who came before me, and will support Israel in the future because of its essential part in the Jewish community’s past, present and future.