Temple Isaiah Member Since: 1997
What Israel Means to Me:
My first exposure to Israel was a NFT Y in Israel trip I took when I was 16 with other Jewish teens from across the country. This trip, like most other trips of its kind, painted an idyllic picture of Israel as the perfect realization of the tenets of Zionism. I loved the trip and I fell in love with Israel. Over the next two years I spent a lot of time studying Israeli history, culture and politics. Over time I have come to gain a more nuanced perspective on the Jewish homeland and on the highly publicized conflict that the region is embroiled in.
Now, living in Jerusalem and devoting my time to studying Jewish history, Middle Eastern politics, Hebrew and Arabic I feel as if I’m just starting to get an accurate understanding of one of the most complex geo-political situations in the world. I no longer see Israel as the infallible bastion of Jewish security and morality that I saw it as at 16. But despite all of Israel’s problems, this country is still my home and I am still deeply in love with its culture, people and what it stands for.
What I Do to Support the Jewish State:
Right now I’m learning as much as I can about Israel and about the thousands of years of Jewish history leading up to Israel. I strive to find unbiased reporting and create a nuanced and accurate view of everything that happens here. Eventually I hope to utilize this knowledge to make Aliyah and leave a positive impact on this fragile and volatile state. I hope to one day become a voice for peace in this country where too many would rather the false security of violent hermitism and work towards making Israel into the National realization of the Jewish values that I hold close.
What You Can Do to Support Israel:
Similar to my practice of Reform Judaism, I believe that the healthiest way to support Israel is to learn as much about it and then, using a critical lens, choose what works about the country and what doesn’t. A sort of reform Zionism. When you feel that you understand what is happening in Israel and you understand what you want your homeland to be and represent, then work towards making that ideal a reality. This nation is still very young and it’s still extremely malleable. Do your best to make your voice heard in a country that is still trying to find its place in the world.